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HomeMembership Benefits

A membership in LWVGV is a membership in LWVCO & LWVUS. 
It gives us the political influence needed to build a voice for citizens and a force for change.

Benefits of Membership

  • Contribute valuable service to our community
  • Participate in voter registration drives and community events
  • Gain knowledge through the study and discussion of timely and important topics
  • Discover new interests and develop new skills
  • Learn about crucial issues in our own community
  • Make professional contacts and develop lasting friendships with members who share your interests
  • Receive publications and updates from both LWVCO and LWVUS, along with The VOTER newsletter from LWVGV
  • Add your voice to a powerful force of members from across the nation

  Join LWVGV

Questions? Email our Membership Chairperson: